

Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA 18252

Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

A meeting was held at the Rush Township Municipal Building on March 17, 2016 at 7:00 o’clock pm. In attendance were: Chairman Shawn Gilbert, Vice Chairman Robert Leibensperger, Treasurer/Secretary, Katie Orlick, and Bill McMullen.  Chairman Shawn Gilbert called the meeting to order.  Jeannine Motroni was not present due to work conflict.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Police Report – Sergeant Frederick read the police report for the month of February 2016. A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve Sergeant Frederick’s report. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Minutes of Previous Meeting-  A motion was made to approve the previous meeting minutes of February 25, 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the treasurer’s report as of February 2016.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Approval of current township and sewer bills thru March 16, 2016 – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports thru March 16, 2016.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Approval of municipal reports (sewer, road, Arro, Prodesign) – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports for February 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Attorney’s Business – None.

Correspondence –       PSATs – Governor Wolf released the proposed budget.  US Department of Commerce re: Census 2020 preparation.

Old Business –            None.


  1.  Motion to approve the sale of 0 Golf Road, for taxes of $924.00.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  2. Motion to approve change order #1 for an increase in the 2016 Road Improvement Project in the amount of $14,420.80. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  3. Motion to approve change order #2 for the reduction in the Chestnut Sanitary Sewer Project in the amount of $12,200.00.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

 Public Comment – 

  1.  Kathy S– Requested the # for 2015 recycling tonnage.  Robert Leibensperger said that he would email those numbers to her.  The contract is up this year, and we will be accepting bids for 1 year or 3-year garbage as well as 1 year and 3-year garbage and recycling.  Bids will be out in June.
  2. Charlie S – Wanted to know what was going on with the Auction Contract.  He was informed that it was still being worked out.  Also the road behind him that was cut for access, now cars and kids are going back there using foul language & playing loud music, the cars are flying through that area.  It is school board property and Charlie said that he was going to contact them to put a chain across.
  3. Joe S – Wanted to know about his letter, it is not considered correspondence, it is actually a complaint and it has been noted.  He also inquired about recycling rebates, he was told that the contract is up this year; it was a three-year contract so we have to propose a number to see what we can save.

Supervisors Comment–   Road Crew will be starting the leaf and branch pick up beginning Monday, March 28, 2016 thru April 29, 2016.  This clean-up will be done in sections.  1st week March 28- April 1 will be South of 54 and West of 309, 2nd week, April 4- April 8 will be South of 54 and East of 309, 3rd week, April 11-April 15, North of 54 and West of 309 this includes Hometown, Quakake and Barnesville area and 4th week will be April 18 – April 22nd which will be North of 54 and East of 309. We will send out weekly Code Red Alerts to all residents as a reminder of the collection dates.  So if you are not signed up for our Code Red System make it a point so that you can be informed! Also, Township residents are not permitted to contact the road department directly.  You have to contact the office so a work order can be issued.  And if any resident is interested in purchasing an extra recycling bin for their property we have them for sale, $40.00/bin.  Thank you and Have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Easter.

Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Transcribed and attested: Kelly Giordano/Administrative Assistant

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