
Minutes of the meeting of the Rush Township of Supervisors – February 4, 2011

Rush Township Municipal Building
Hometown, PA  18252

Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Stephen W. Simchak at 3 o’clock p.m.  Those in attendance were Supervisor Robert Leibensperger, Secretary/Treasurer Terri Conville, and Administrative Assistant Marie Skripnek. Vice-Chairman Gilbert was absent. There were approximately nine people in attendance.  The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited.

Public Comment
Marion Lazur – asked if there were a list of bills for the month that were on the agenda for approval by the Board.  Ms. Lazur will look over the list after the meeting.  Ms. Lazur also asked if there was a reason given by Brian Thompson for his resignation Ms. Lazur wanted to know if Elden Neifert has a CDL and if he went for his drug testing. Ms. Lazur also wanted to know why the assault rifles were not going to the state police, and how we would be selling them. Ms. Lazur also questioned how the $1,500.00 received from the Lamar Company ear-marked for the John Ryan Memorial Park would be accounted for and how many members are on the Recreation Board.
Joseph Shamonsky – wanted to know if you had to be licensed to bid on the weapons and if they were automatics.
Marion Lazur – asked when the guns were advertised.
Charles Shamonsky – questioned about the parking on Wyoming Street.  He also stated that he has no problems now with his sewer, but when they put the new one in and he would have problems who would address it.
Joseph Shamonsky – asked if it would be possible for him to fill out a bid now for the guns.  He did not see it advertised.  Ms. Lazur wanted to know when it was put through a meeting to advertise the guns for bid.

Approval of Current Township and Sewer Bills for January, 2011
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve all current township and sewer bills for January 2011.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert was absent.  Motion carried.

New Business
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to complete the Salt Contract Participation Agreement with Co-Stars for August 2011 through the July 2012 season.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert was absent.  Motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the resignation letter of Brian Thompson effective January 25th, 2011.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert was absent.  Motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to ratify the hiring of Elden Neifert as a part-time laborer, part-time snow plow driver on an as needed basis as of January 27, 2011.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert was absent.  Motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to award to Gaudino Brothers, LLC, 150 Unionville Road, Freedom, Pa.  the two (AR-15) assault rifles that were advertised for sale by bids in the amount of $1,110.00 Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert was absent.  Motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to establish a checking account for the Rush Township Bicentennial at the Mauch Chunk Trust.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert was absent.  Motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to deposit the yearly funds of $1,500.00 received from the Lamar Company to the Rush Township Recreation Fund ear-marked for the John Ryan Memorial Park.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert was absent.  Motion carried.

Ms. Conville read the following announcements:
1.  Meeting to establish a Bicentennial Committee will be held on Wednesday, February 9th at 6 p.m. at the municipal building.
2.  Ten-year agreement with Lamar Company.  Supervisor Leibensperger stated two billboard signs have been on property that is part of John Ryan Memorial Park since 1971.  This was discovered when a survey was done by Alfred Benesch & Company.  The survey needed to be done in order for the Supervisors to apply for grants to make improvements to the park. Lamar will provide a payment of $1,500 annually to the township.
2.  A donation was received from Dr. Rocuskie in the amount of $100.00 to help defray the cost of the volunteer luncheon.  Quakake American Legion Post 973 also donated $25.00 towards the Bicentennial.
3.  A letter was received from John and Darlene Nee thanking the road foreman and road crew for the great work they did on Crest Street and Rokusky Street installing pipe and storm inlets.
Chairman Simchak adjourned the meeting at 3:17 o’clock pm.

Transcribed and attested:
Terri Conville

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