
Minutes of the meeting of the Rush Township of Supervisors – May 17, 2011

Rush Township Municipal Building
Hometown, PA  18252

Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Stephen W. Simchak at 6 o’clock p.m.  Those in attendance were Vice-Chairman Shawn Gilbert, Supervisor Robert Leibensperger, and Secretary/Treasurer Terri Conville.  There were approximately sixteen people in attendance.   The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited.

Public Comment
1.  William J. Sanchez, Jr. – asked what the payment of money to NESJMA was.  Resident Cathy Schimpf explained that with Act 537 payments were made twice.  A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve payment in the amount of $4,035.04 to the Northeastern Schuylkill Joint Municipal Authority (as reimbursement of our share of Act 537). Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Mr. Sanchez also asked what streets would be getting done with the road program this year.  Supervisor Leibensperger noted the streets affected would be Locust, Frankford, and Lincoln. Supervisor Leibensperger also noted that our liquid fuel maps need to be updated because some streets are not listed on them and we are not getting state funding for them.  Mr. Sanchez inquired about when repairs would be done to Crest Street and who would be handling that.  Both Simchak and Leibensperger stated the township would do the paving and NESJMA would handle the sewer repairs.
2. Pat Tracy asked about if it is Lincoln Street or Lincoln Drive that is on the road program list.  A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger for Alfred Benesch and Company to advertise the 2011 road program.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Under the question, Vice-Chairman Gilbert noted the twenty percent added for engineering costs to do some road work was high.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted yes to the motion and Gilbert voted no.   Motion carried.
3. William J. Sanchez, Jr. – asked if the hiring of two patrolmen would be replacing Brian Thompson and if we would be hiring a full-time policeman. Chairman Simchak stated the Board is hiring two part time patrolmen this evening and looking into forming a regional police force.  A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the hiring of Ryan Rehatchek and Peter Wysochansky as part-time patrolman to work as needed at the new hire rate of $12.00 per hour.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
4. Pat Tracy – asked the Attorney for a report on the Romanick case. Attorney Yurchak stated the hearing officer issued his findings in the Romanick case.  The Board has to act on those findings either way this evening.
Chairman Simchak read the following motion:
A motion to accept the Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law as found by the Hearing Officer, James Scallion, with regard to the Police Tenure Act hearing of Robert Romanick and incorporate all the Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law herein and to terminate the employment of Robert Romanick with Rush Township for the following reasons as established during the hearing:
a) Abandonment or quitting his employment for leaving his position as Chief of Police and never again reporting for work as scheduled as found in Conclusion of Law 6(b)(8);
b) Neglect of Duty/Incompetence as found in Conclusions of Law numbered 6(a)(2); 6(a)(5) and 6(a)(7).
c) Inefficiency, Neglect, Intemperance, Disobedience of Orders and/or Conduct Unbecoming an Officer as found in Conclusions of Law numbered 6(b)(1); 6(b)(2); 6(b)(4) and 6(b)(8).
Supervisor Leibensperger approved the motion.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Under the question, Gilbert asked Attorney Yurchak if he prepared the motion and if it covered everything that they had talked about.  Attorney Yurchak assured Gilbert everything was included in this motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted for the motion, carried.
5. Joe Shamonsky – asked if this is the end of the Romanick case or what will happen next.  Attorney Yurchak stated that Robert Romanick has the right to appeal the decision to the court.  Attorney Yurchak gave a summary of what happened with Mr. Romanick.  The Supervisors would not reappoint Romanick as chief, but offered him to stay on as a regular officer at the same salary. He refused to do that and he left his employment. Other items regarding his performance while he was the chief helped to substantiate the decision.  This is the hearing officer’s rules.  Romanick’s attorney filed a contempt order against the Supervisors.   The Judge dismissed the court order against the Supervisors but stipulated action had to be taken at tonight’s meeting by the Board.  Attorney Yurchak chose the hearing officer because the Supervisors were going to be witnesses and there had to be an independent officer.
6. Marion Lazur asked for the treasurer’s report to be read.  Ms. Conville read the report.  A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to adopt the treasurer’s report as read.   Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.  Ms. Lazur asked for the municipal reports to be read.  Ms. Conville noted the municipal reports received.  A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the municipal reports.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.  Ms. Lazur asked for the correspondence to be read.  Ms. Conville noted the following received under correspondence:
1.  Letter from District Attorney James Goodman- approved request of forfeiture funds submitted by Corporal Frederick in the amount of $2,200.00
2.  Two letters from the Sch. County Bicentennial Committee – one asking for a donation.  The other is asking each municipality to send them an item that represents the history of our township to be buried in the county time capsule.
3.  PSATS News Bulletin
4.  Letter from Silberline noting their $100.00 donation in support of setting up a command post at the municipal building for emergency management
5.  Letter from MCT listing their pledges
6.  Letter from Tirpak Insurance about their sewage.
7.  Letter from Attorney Baranko in reference to some resident’s property damage.
Ms. Lazur asked about her letter she sent requesting reimbursement for the variance hearing.  Ms. Conville stated that her request was listed on the bills to be approved for the month that the Board has this evening.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept and place on file the correspondence for the month.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

7.  Charles Shamonsky – asked about a campaign sign being taken down and a rumor about the township office handing out campaign flyers.
8.  Joe Shamonsky – asked why the township auditor has his business cards at the office window. Leibensperger stated those cards have been removed as well as other business cards.
9.  Steve Behun – asked if there is any kind of guarantee on road paving in the township because Kahler Hill has some cracks on it.  Chairman Simchak stated there is usually a one year maintenance bond and our engineer will check it out.

American Water Services Report – John Teijaro was not present for the meeting because of an emergency at Lake Hauto.   His report was included under municipal reports for the month.

Minutes of Previous Meeting – April 19, 2011- A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the meeting minutes. Vice- Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

Approval of Current Township and Sewer Bills for May, 2011
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve all current township and sewer bills for May, 2011.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Under the question, Vice-Chairman Gilbert questioned the bill for I.W.S.  Ms. Conville noted that was for the garbage company, Interstate Waste Services. Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

New Business
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the rules and regulations of the Northeastern Schuylkill Joint Municipal Authority.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

Announcements – Ms. Conville read the following announcement:
The Rush Township Bicentennial Committee is having a hoagie ticket sale to raise money for the Community Day that is being planned for August.  The cost of the ticket is $5.00 and is redeemable at Basile’s Italian Restaurant.  Tickets can be obtained from any committee member or at the administration office.

Chairman Simchak adjourned the meeting at 6:25 o’clock pm.

Transcribed and attested:

Terri Conville

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